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Our Mission

UNAIDS at Penn’s mission is centered in its outreach, fundraising, and events programming. UNAIDS at Penn (UNAP) is a student-led organization that works with and supports the global efforts of UNAIDS, a co-sponsored joint program in the United Nations system.  Our partnership with the broader UNAIDS organization encourages students to understand the effects of HIV/AIDS across the globe and in Philadelphia. Working toward the mission of UNAIDS, UNAP is committed to education and advocacy surrounding the ongoing  HIV/AIDS crisis. We engage students to leverage their interests and skills in fields such as  journalism, medicine, law, and advocacy to promote the global response to HIV/AIDS. It is a platform for students of all schools and professional levels to come together to learn from, engage with, and advocate for the global work of UNAIDS at the grassroots efforts of community leaders. 

Our Mission

Our Community Commitments

As members of UNAIDS at Penn we agree to the following: 

  • To advance health equity;
  • To operate with integrity;

  • To be passionate in our work;

  • To communicate with each other honestly and openly;

  • To be open-minded in our conversation;

  • To value and learn from perspectives other than our own and practice active listening;

  • To commit to reducing the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS in our daily lives; and

  • To strive for strong partnerships with the Penn and Philadelphia community.

Role of the Committees

1. Outreach: This committee is responsible for organizing and maintaining close relationships with community partners, working deeply to critically analyze our role as students in the greater Philadelphia community. This arm of UNAP will also organize discussion events around important topics including HIV/AIDS stigma.


2. Fundraising: Centered around advocacy for the ongoing HIV/AIDS crisis, the Fundraising arm of UNAP will engage Penn students, faculty, and other community members to participate in events that support our community partners, specifically at times of the year including, but not limited to, HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, World AIDS Month, and National Minority Health Month. 


3. â€‹Events: In line with UNAP’s mission of raising awareness of the crisis in Philadelphia and globally, the Events arm of UNAP will invite speakers, community partners, and global leaders to hold panels and other events including film screenings and public health training relevant to the mission.

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Meet The Team
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Catherine Tang

Events Chair

Class of 2027

Major: Health & Societies

Minor: Data Science & Analytics

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Robert Slovikowsky

Outreach Chair

Class of 2025

Major: GSWS and Biology

Minor: Chemistry

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Christian Milano

Fundraising Chair

Class of 2027

Major: Communications

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Alexander O'Connor

Design Chair

Class of 2025

Major: English and EALC

Minor: Design

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Pranav Kancherla


Class of 2025

Major: Biology

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Joyce Lee

Vice President Internal

Class of 2026

Major: Health & Societies and Biology

Minor: Chemistry

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Zayd Khan

Vice President External

Class of 2027

Major: Bioengineering

Minor: Mathematics

Our Team

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©2024 by UNAIDS at Penn

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